Lifestyle Lifehacks: A Brief How-To For a Healthier You

Lifestyle Lifehacks: A Brief How-To For a Healthier You

Exercise and sunshine exposure at all ages: part of a brief how-to for a healthier you

Photo by CC user Tracymaff on Wikimedia Commons

Feeling good is a great goal in life. In some ways, it is the end goal of everyone to feel good or better than they do, whether their actual goal is getting a promotion, finishing the renovations on their house, or just cleaning up a bit, the end result is that they will be happier. A lot of feeling good is tied up in what we do in our spare time, as that is when we are most ourselves, and therefore most comfortable and able to change how we feel. There are many other ways to feel good, some of them as simple as finding Blackmore products from Mr Vitamins online to take daily, others as complex as setting up a strict exercise regime. We have cobbled together a quick how-to for a healthier you … be sure to give our pointers below an honest try – good luck!

First up on the list is eating habits. The idea of eating healthy being good and necessary is plastered everywhere these days, and to the casual observer it does seem to indicate that people who don’t eat healthy are bad and unhappy intrinsically. This is not true, and eating unhealthy food is not going to swiftly and cruelly destroy your body and/or positive mindset, but ONLY eating unhealthy food will gradually reduce your energy levels along with your physical health, both of which contribute to unhealthy mindsets. Try to ensure your diet includes protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables each week. Even eating healthily 60-80% of the time is a good way to maintain your health, and you don’t have to cut out all the fun stuff either.

Secondly, we have exercise. It’s scientifically proven that exercise releases endorphins into the brain, making us feel good while also making us healthier. It sounds like a win-win from the outside looking in, but in reality it takes a while to get to the stage where that rush of endorphins is worth the effort and exhaustion expended to get it. Make no mistake, your first few months of exercise will be hard and will not yield immediate results, but the long-term rewards are a healthier and stronger body, a healthier and stronger mind, and a surprising boost in energy levels in day-to-day life.

Thirdly, there is sunlight. It might sound strange, but extended periods of time without experiencing direct sunlight can seriously affect a person’s health, as the sun is a great source of vitamin D3, which is used to synthesize hundreds of enzymes that are present all throughout the human body. Going out for a walk in the sun regularly will boost your vitamin D3 levels, which can help build and maintain healthy bones, and has even been shown to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer with minimal risk. There are supplements which can provide vitamin D3 to those not able to spend long periods of time in the sunlight, or those that are not able to synthesize vitamin D3 from it. It is notable that sunlight (in some places in the world) can be harmful to your skin, and care should always be taken to use sunscreen when spending longer periods of time outdoors.

In summary, eating healthily is a very readily accessible way to boost physical health, and is complemented almost perfectly by regular exercise. These two suggestions alone can transform your physical health radically within the span of a year, and leave you feeling better and happier before you know it.