Ways of Making Money on the Road

Ways of Making Money on the Road

Sometimes city living has it’s limits and if you are like me, every now and again you need a break, it was always my dream to travel so last year I took a 6 month break to hit the road. My biggest concerns in doing this were being able to afford the trip, I had some savings prior to leaving but I knew that I needed to make some money whilst i was on the road. After several hours on Google and speaking to friends and family I managed to come up with enough ways to make money online to keep me going for the whole trip and I want to share with you some great methods for boosting your income whilst travelling.


Freelance Work

This was my primary income on the road, I found several sites that connect you with online employers and simply uploaded my skills and job history with a cover letter and was instantly connected to thousands of prospective employers. I undertook tasks such as email sending and handling, content writing and assistant tasks. You can also find web design, graphic design, social media and marketing jobs on these sites and the beauty is that you can work when you want and as much as you want. The sites work on a review based system so do a good job and your next job will be easier to come by.

Online Surveys

Whenever I had a little bit of downtime I used to complete these online surveys, it’s basically companies looking for what customers want and are usually centred around living habits. There are several sites that offer online surveys and they pay you a small amount of money for each survey completed, they do not pay you the Earth but the small change that they do pay you soon adds up. Each month I used to use this money to go and see a tourist attraction or something similar and it was a great way of boosting my cash a little, especially from the comfort of my bed when I had little else to do.


Online gambling can be a great way of earning some extra cash, sports betting, online bingo sites and casinos offer several welcome offers so that you can essentially bet with free cash at first. If you are unsure of how to gamble your money then get researching online, there are plenty of free tipster and free advice available to you by professionals that make a living from gambling.


This was more of a money saver for me than a money maker although I did begin to make a little money from it towards the end. I set up a blog detailing my trip, where I would be going and when, I worked hard to promote my blog on social media and made sure that I was regularly updating it. I also engaged with my readers as and when they commented and the result fantastic. I ended up meeting amazing people on the road thanks to my blog, I snagged free rooms, free activities for blog reviews and after 5 months I made my first bit of money from advertising. My advice would be to set up your blog long before you travel to try and build up a solid base. The keys to success in my opinion is to engage frequently with your readers, provide great content and utilise social media to boost your blog.