Top Tips For Saving up For Your Travels

Top Tips For Saving up For Your Travels

So you’ve decided that you’ve had enough city living for now and want to take that trip that you’d always dreamed about, perhaps skiing in the Rockies, trekking through Peru or visiting Asia. Whatever the reason is for your trip, you will no doubt be turning your mind to the subject of cost. The truth is that you can never really have enough money for something as grand as this, there will always be opportunities on the way that you will have to refuse on financial grounds. However, there are several ways that you can give yourself the best start in your travels by banking as much cash as possible before you leave and here are some tips to help you out.



Consider blogging about your upcoming travels or anything else that you’re potentially interested in, it’s never been easier to start a blog and with so many companies online to help you out you’ll be up and running in no time. The basics to a successful blog are to stay within a niche topic area, provide great content for your readership and keep in touch with your followers. There is potential to make money from advertising on your blog so that’s what you will be aiming for.

Online Surveys

They may not pay the Earth but there are hundreds of online surveys out there that you can take part in that will pay you a small bit of money each time. The surveys are usually just about things like shopping and reading habits or something similar and you can do them as and when you want. All you need to do is sign up to one of the websites and start taking your surveys, the money will soon add up.

Freelance Work

If you have any skills at all on the computer or online then freelance work is a great way for you to bank some cash before heading off on your travels. There are several 3rd party websites out there that act as middle-men between you and your prospective employers. All you need to do is sign up to the site, list your skills and work history and then start applying for suitable jobs. The beauty of freelance work is that it is entirely flexible, you work when you want and how you want.


Online gambling is simply huge with hundreds of websites available for you to make some big cash for your travels. You can play poker online, bet on sports or play bingo games, the range of options is incredible. Better still, for those of you with some fears about gambling and perhaps not having much confidence, there are hundreds of people online who offer free advice for how you can make the most of gambling online. The best thing is for newbies, is that almost all betting sites offer free welcome offers meaning you can essentially get free money to play with. Remember a couple of golden rules when gambling, firstly remember to only gamble what you can afford to lose, and secondly if you are winning, don’t convince yourself that it will continue forever.