How to Make Extra Money to Pay the Bills

How to Make Extra Money to Pay the Bills

Regardless of your job and salary there is always room to earn more, perhaps for that holiday you’ve been looking, that new piece of tech or those new shoes that you’ve pined over for months now. Well fear not, it is possible to make some extra cash whether it is for one of the aforementioned luxuries or simply just to pay the bills. Here are some great ways that you can line your pockets with some extra money.

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Second Job

It may not be preferable but a second job is the most obvious way for you to earn some extra money, it will be time consuming and probably tiring but if you set your goals for what you want to spend the additional money on then that should help you get through it. Here’s some jobs to consider;

  • Bar and Restaurant work
  • Take-away delivery driving
  • Phone book delivery
  • Poll card delivery
  • Telesales
  • Election office work
  • Census
  • Convenience Store work

Look Online

It has never been easier to make money online, dreams of being the next internet mogul may need to take a backseat but you can be sure that with just a little research you can be making some money online, and from the comfort of your armchair, before you know it. Thousands of people boost their monthly income with online work and here are some great ways that you can too.

  • Blogging
  • Online Surveys
  • Website Reviews
  • Freelance Work such as content writing or email handling
  • Amazon turk

Have a good search on Google and you’ll be making some extra change in no time, beware of scams and never pay for anything up front.


The world of gambling has changed dramatically in recent years and now the competition is so high amongst gambling sites that the offers available for new customers are fantastic. You can quite easily make money on sports betting, no deposit bingo sites and online casinos. The majority of them offer free money as a welcome bonus so that you are essentially gambling free from risk. Remember that profit is not guaranteed and you should set rules for yourself on how often you gamble and with how much, once you’ve set the rules make sure that you stick to them. Have fun and stay safe.

Sell, Sell, Sell

In a world with websites such as eBay and Amazon amongst several other websites that will buy your old goods for cash now is the perfect time to have a good clear out and sell your unwanted items. I’d recommend that you be ruthless when clearing out, ask yourself if you really need to keep hold of the item in question. CD’s, DVD’s, video games, old tech, clothes, toys and fitness equipment can be easily sold online and could amass you enough money to buy that item that you’ve been after for sometime. Dedicate a day to raking through your rooms, drawers and closets to find what you think could sell and remember to never underestimate what people will be prepared to buy, one man’s rubbish is another man’s meat.