Putting an End to the Struggle with Addiction: 4 Strategies for convincing a Loved One That Going to Rehab is Necessary

Putting an End to the Struggle with Addiction: 4 Strategies for convincing a Loved One That Going to Rehab is Necessary

It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one become addicted to alcohol or drugs. The family members can also suffer because of the addicted person’s actions such as DWIs and stealing to support the habit. Overdose incidents are frightening and potentially fatal.

Getting A Loved One Into Rehab

Getting a loved one into rehab may not be easy. They are not thinking clearly. They are only thinking about the next time they can get high. But, addiction takes a physical toll, and missing school or work can lead to a downward spiral.

When a person decides to get their loved one into a rehab program, they should get help and advice. Learning about addiction and strategies for getting a loved one to agree to rehab is helpful. Being trapped in an addiction cycle can make a person feel hopeless, alone, and isolated. Feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing can be overwhelming.

Before even trying to convince the person to go into a rehab program, you should check out different programs and possibilities. Check with the family health insurance program. Which rehab programs will be covered, and how much will be covered in those programs. Find a rehab program that has a good solid record of long-term success. Once you have a good program or choice of programs, talk to your loved one and let them have the final choice of program.

4 Strategies For convincing A Loved One To Get Help

There is a lot of advice out there. You need to sift through it all and find the advice that feels right to you. Sometimes, the first try won’t be successful, but the second or third try will lead to your loved one agreeing to enter treatment. Here are 4 strategies to consider:

  1. Don’t wait. As the addiction gets worse, the person is harder to convince they need help. As soon as you realize there is an addiction problem, make a well-thought-out plan to intervene and get them help. It is better to have the person agree to get help but there is the option of having a person admitted against their will if their life is in danger.
  2. Be supportive, not critical. Don’t criticize or judge. Instead, offer support and help to overcome the problem. Concentrate on the person’s wellbeing and offer support during the process. Let the person know what you are going to talk to them about, so they don’t feel tricked or trapped.
  3. Consider getting a professional intervention. Plan an intervention either as a group or as an individual. A professional can keep things on track on a positive level. If the person has a therapist, ask for their permission to talk to the therapist and voice your concerns. Then the therapist might help convince the person to seek treatment.
  4. During the talk or intervention, stress the dangers and negative effects of addiction on behavior, physical and mental health, and on others. Then explain to the person how rehab can help them regain their life, get healthier, and overcome the addiction and stay recovered over the long run. Present the treatment programs available and emphasize the short time treatment takes compared to a whole life.

Once a person has agreed to enter a treatment program, personally escort them there and assist them in the admittance process. Then be supportive during the whole treatment process.