Rest Easy: Gadgets and Apps That Help You Fall Into a Deep Sleep Faster

Rest Easy: Gadgets and Apps That Help You Fall Into a Deep Sleep Faster

Sleep experts say that young adults may need as many as nine hours of deep restful sleep to maintain optimal health, while full grown adults can live happily and healthfully with seven to eight hours. If that sounds like far more sleep than you get at night, there are several sleep technology apps and gadgets…
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Mansions, Mausoleums and Monuments: Modern Ghosthunting Apps for Safer Team Investigations

Mansions, Mausoleums and Monuments: Modern Ghosthunting Apps for Safer Team Investigations

For those of you out in there searching for ghosts in the scariest of places, you’ll need some extra technology at your side. Deep in the depths of abandoned mansions, creepy mausoleums and monuments of those that have past may lay a ghost around the corner. These select group of apps are going to be…
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