Tied Down by Time: High Tech Apps and Gadgets for Soothing Hectic Minds

Tied Down by Time: High Tech Apps and Gadgets for Soothing Hectic Minds

You may see your mobile devices as a source of distraction and stress, things that always connect you to your work responsibilities and newsfeeds that stream the woes of the world. It’s no wonder that sometimes you may have trouble focusing and relaxing. But one of the coolest things about mobile devices is that you…
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Some of the Most Anticipated Sequels are Coming Soon!

Some of the Most Anticipated Sequels are Coming Soon!

Like David Berkowitz Chicago, everyone loves a good film series – they are like a gift that keeps on giving. Here are some favorites with new installments coming soon! Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Alice, the former Umbrella employee-turned post-apocalyptic zombie hunter returns to the screen to wage the final battle against the Red Queen….
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