Snoring just about affects everyone, the person snoring and the person sleeping next to that person snoring. It can actually disturb the sleep of both parties as it can cause poor sleeping patterns which then lead to increased irritability, less ability to concentrate and potentially hindering the quality of relationships.
There are several ways you can help your husband stop snoring once and for all. This article will discuss some ways so that you can help your husband stop snoring so both of you can get better sleep. What are some of the most effective ways? Let’s take a look.
Snoring solutions
Seeking effective snoring solutions is not the easiest thing but knowing how it is caused can be a great start to curing the issue. There are some great articles on the web that can help you answer some important questions of how snoring can be caused and it may be as simple as creating some lifestyle changes to break the snoring patterns.
Here are some potential issues that could be causing your husband’s snoring:
- Is he overweight? The excess tissue and lack of toned muscle can contribute to regular snoring. Even if he’s not that out of shape he may just have some more weight around his neck area that triggers the snore. Simply taking more time to exercise can be a way to figure out whether this is the underlying cause.
- It could be simple sinus problems such as blocked airways making it difficult to inhale.
- Men tend to have narrow air passages compared to women plus other physical features in the male anatomy make them more prone to snoring. Throat exercises or changing up sleeping routines may be a simple yet effective solution.
- If your husband is a drinker or smoker this may potentially be causing the snoring. Even certain medications such as Valium or Ativan can have an effect.
- The way your husband sleeps may be a telltale sign. If he sleeps flat on his back, the throat becomes more relaxed and tends to block the airway causing snoring. Using a body pillow to support the entire body as he gets used to sleeping on his side can help him make the transition. After decades of sleeping a certain way, it can be tricky to change the position but this trick should help!
- Try to encourage your husband to get into good sleeping habits. This could mean getting to bed earlier or getting an adequate amount of sleep is a way of stopping the snore.
- Encourage your husband to work less. The more work that goes into a long day and the less rest he gets, the more likely he is to start snoring. When someone is in a deep sleep due to being overtired this can promote sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? It’s the condition that stops the sufferer’s air flow so they may be without breath for 10 seconds or more! This causes potentially serious side-effects not to mention can severely disrupt sleep.
- It may be as simple as opening the nasal passage to keep the air flowing smoothly. If the nose is blocked, snoring is more likely to occur. Encourage your husband to take a steam or hot shower before he sleeps.
Now you know some great tips for helping your husband stop snoring for good, it’s time to crack on with the above tips so you can get to the root the problem and start getting some peaceful rest at night.
Image by Photo3454 via Flickr