The Internet has just changed lives. Turning on the Internet, kids get a plethora of things to explore, from the funny cat videos, intense road rash games, to endless conversations… name it, and the Internet has it all! Now that you’re worried about your kid’s increasing screen time, it’s time to manage it. Yes, you…
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Category Archives: Parenting
Chicago’s Best Outdoor Spaces for Young Children
Visiting Chicago in the summer means that you get to take advantage of some of the wonderful outdoor spaces in the city. On a nice day, no one wants to be stuck inside, breathing conditioned air — especially kids! They want to be outside, going on adventures, and soaking up some sun! There is a…
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5 Amazing Benefits of Baby Swaddling You Need to Know
Baby swaddling is a common practice that has existed for centuries since 4000 BC and it has many benefits for your baby. Many studies reveal that it makes your baby sleep longer and have stable heartbeat rates. When done correctly, baby swaddling is key to calming and comforting your baby. Here are 5 amazing benefits…
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How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer for You (And Your Kids)
There are about 2.5 million divorces a year. When the divorcing couple has children, the next step is a child custody case. If you’ve found that you’re facing a child custody case but don’t know how to proceed, there’s no need to worry. In this article, we will give you advice for how to find…
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6 Smart Ways to Teach Your Kids About Money
Financial literacy is important for kids as it helps mould their perspective on money when they grow up. Kids are definitely able to grasp the fundamental financial values by age 6 to 7 years old. If you fail to teach them the value of earning, budgeting, and saving, you’ll invariably be teaching them to spend,…
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4 Inspirational Ways to Remember Loved Ones and Heal Your Grief
Losing a loved one leaves everyone in the family in a hurtful place. Whether the loss was expected or not, the pain feels just the same. After the immediate requirements are handled such as funeral planning, distribution of assets, reviewing the will, and much more, you’ll be left wondering how to celebrate your loved one’s…
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10 Tips for Parents on Safe Internet for Family
Technology has exploded in the last few years and almost everyone has an online presence. The digital age is for every age as many sites now offer content specifically designed for children such as YouTube Kids and Disney Junior. While this sounds like a great idea, and a relief for parents looking for age-appropriate content,…
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