POCKET BACKPACK: Made from the New Material, Tyvek

POCKET BACKPACK: Made from the New Material, Tyvek

POCKET BACKPACK, the bag made from DuPont’s new material, Tyvek, launched February 28th on Kickstarter.  100% recyclable and eco-friendly, POCKET BACKPACK is a light but sturdy Tyvek bag made with high-density polyethylene fibers. Tyvek is a functional paper material invented by DuPont that retains its shape in water and doesn’t tear easily, in addition to…
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Tips For Finding Jeans That Flatter Your Curves

Tips For Finding Jeans That Flatter Your Curves

Denim jeans are the most versatile, curve-flattering, and body-shaping clothing item known to womankind. From the moment of inception, jeans were lauded as a symbol of female independence from caging corsets and voluminous skirts. They were welcomed by women worldwide as a shapely and flattering substitute for mobility-restricting apparel.  Denim jeans have a bold and…
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6 Designer Eyeglass Trends to Look Out for in 2021

6 Designer Eyeglass Trends to Look Out for in 2021

Wearing glasses doesn’t mean you can’t be fashionable. Quite the opposite—in recent years, eyewear has become one of the most popular ways to make a statement about your style. While new glasses styles emerge every year, classic models simultaneously return to the limelight, meaning you’ll have no shortage of options when picking out your next…
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The Intermediate Guide to Choosing the Best Air Purifier for Smoke

The Intermediate Guide to Choosing the Best Air Purifier for Smoke

Air purifiers are air cleaning devices that remove harmful particles in the air like dust, pollen, and bacteria. It helps detoxify the air in the room to maintain a safe environment. While windows are efficient in keeping harmful pollutants out of your home, it also traps these particles from going out. According to the Environmental…
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