Having a website is one way to earn extra income that can help you pay bills, buy the things you like or even for your savings. You do not need a lot of capital to start one and you do not need to be a technical person to be able to do it. In this article, we will share some tips on how to make a website that can be your source of extra income.
Tip 1: Think of a niche for your website
Just like when you are starting a business, you decide what type of business you’re going to venture, so ask yourself, what type of website you want. Do you want to start an e-commerce site, a travel blog, a fashion website or others – you need to decide about this first.
Tip 2: Choose a good domain name
Once you’ve decided the type of website to build, it is time to think of the domain name that you will use. It is advisable to come up with short and simple domain name. You should list down all the names that you think of and then use a domain finder site to check if the names are still available to buy as .com domains. The domain name that you end up using should be easy to spell and easy to remember so people can easily type in your domain name.
Tip 3: Study the market and see the competitor
You should then study the market and see if the competition is too stiff or you can manage to strive. It is best to see who are your competitors and what are they doing in terms of operation process, customer service, promotions and others. This will give you ideas on what to do.
Tip 4: Prepare content
It is important to produce high quality content as well as graphics for your website. You want your visitors to feel like they are on the right site so be sure to provide clear copy, images and design that will tell what your website is about. For the homepage, it is advisable to keep it neat and simple. Do not put long paragraphs that can be challenging to scan. You should have separate articles section instead. Make sure to use appropriate images and videos as you do not want to offend anybody.
Tip 5: Advertise in different social media sites to gain traffic
Lastly, you should promote your website in different social media sites since most people are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. You will be able to gain traffic because of this.
You do not need a lot of money to start a website. You can do it on your own and the return can be pretty rewarding. However, you should understand that success is not achieved overnight. You may see a lot of those bloggers and online entrepreneurs looking successful in the field, but you should know that they didn’t achieve the success in instant. You need to exert a lot of hard work and effort to ensure that your website will be a success.