Becoming a better, professional project manager is something that takes time and patience to get right. Some people carry out this role for years on end and still don’t feel that they are progressing in the way that they would like to.
Of course, there are some shortcuts that you can use to ensure that you become as good at leading projects as you possibly can be. One of them that is worth looking into is that of using the PRINCE2 methodology.
So, once you get started and learn the basics what should come next?
Get Certified
Sorting out your PRINCE2 Dublin is the start of a brand new future for you. However, it is worth remembering that this won’t mean much if you don’t get the certification you need to go along with it.
This is usually awarded for successfully completing the exam that is carried out at the end of the training course. This is what you will want to note on your CV, to show that you are now qualified to run PRINCE2 projects.
Given the fact that the PRINCE2 certification is so widely accepted, getting hold of this recognition is a tremendous step towards obtaining the career that you are. Prospective employers will be able to see at a glance that you are suitably qualified.
Get Your Team Up to Speed
Leading projects becomes so much easier when you have the PRINCE2 methodology to use. Yet, you still need your team of business analysts to help you out with many of the tasks.
Therefore, it is a good idea to think about the training and support that they need in order to contribute effectively. This will help them to work to a higher standard while also keeping them happier about their own personal development.
Having a solid team backing you up is essential if you are going to run excellent projects from now on. No project leader can expect to do it all alone, no matter how good they are.
Get Started on a New Project
Once you complete your training on any subject you should be keen to get started on using it in real life. This lets you retain the initial excitement you feel about putting it to good use in your daily tasks once you get back to the office.
You will also make sure that you don’t forget any of the important points that you have learned by doing this. The sooner you start using them the quicker they will become firmly engrained in your ways of working.
Ideally, you will go straight from your training course to start a new piece of work right away. This is sure to help you to retain the excitement of what you have just learned, as well as using the knowledge while it is still completely fresh in your mind.
Enjoy Using It
What else is there for you to do once you start running PRINCE2 projects for real? Perhaps the most important point of all is that you should enjoy using the principles and techniques that you are now aware of.
This can make project management even more of an enjoyable way of working. If you look forward enthusiastically to each new project then this is going to make your career a lot more fun that it would otherwise be.
Using a reliable methodology that you trust make project management something that you can thoroughly enjoy working on. Instead of dreading complex new tasks, you will be able to look forward to putting your knowledge to good use each time that it is needed.