Romantic date night ideas for you and your partner

Romantic date night ideas for you and your partner

Going on a picnic is one of many romantic date night ideas

Photo by CC user brisbanecitycouncil on Flickr (cropped from original shot).

Has your love life gone stale lately? The torrid pace of life can lead us to neglect our relationships, causing them to weaken over time.

In order to keep the flames of romance hot, planning regular outings is essential. If your well of inspiration has run dry, here are some romantic date night ideas that can revive intimacy between you and your partner.

Have a dinner and a movie night – with a twist

Going for dinner and a movie is a classic date night idea, if a little overplayed. That may not sound original, but when you add the twist of dining at a restaurant that corresponds with the movie that you will be watching, it adds an element of fun to the evening.

Think Chinese noodles before going to a Kung Fu action flick, or a dining at a French bistro before going to see a European drama.

Attend the fair when it is in town

There is no better way to the relive your younger days then to take your partner on a date to the fair. You could get a love tarot reading at the fortune teller’s tent, win the biggest stuffed animal at ball toss, and ride all the latest and greatest Midway rides.

Don’t leave without buying some big bags of cotton candy to remind you of your night out together long after it has ended.

Go on an overnight camping trip

Need to get away from the stress, noise and chaos of your city? Corral together your camping gear, pack up the car, and head straight for the closest national park.

Choose your camp site well, and you’ll have a quiet spot that is perfect for a night of bonding under the stars.

Make s’mores over your campfire, tell your best ghost stories, and decompress in an environment that is the complete opposite of your day-to-day lives.

Plan a gourmet picnic in the park

There are fewer brilliant sunny days during the summer than you think, so take advantage of an upcoming stretch of great weather by planning a gourmet picnic.

Head to the grocery store beforehand, and pick out some top quality ingredients from their deli. Cheeses, cold cuts, fresh fruit, wine: all of these make for great picnic fodder.

Take all of this to your city’s most photogenic park, roll out your checkered blanket, and enjoy each other’s company while it is the best time of year to be outside.