Guide To Your Teen’s First Car

Guide To Your Teen’s First Car

Teens often set their sights on a set of wheels based on aesthetics. Although the exterior and interior of the vehicle are important, it’s also crucial to look at the bigger picture. Before making your way to a seller, make sure they are aware of the commitment when buying a vehicle. This also includes following all the traffic laws and making sure your teen takes proper care of the vehicle.

As you start researching a car one of the first things you want to do is set a budget. The budget should be affordable and one that you are prepared to walk away If the vehicle doesn’t fit it. The selling price is not the only cost you should be concerned about before purchasing. Keep in mind vehicle expenses can include auto insurance, maintenance fees, and registration.

Once your budget is planned, you can start taking note of your teen’s lifestyle. Some questions you may ask when determining the vehicle include: 

  •  How often will they drive the car?
  • What environment will it be driven in? 
  • How important is fuel economy?
  • What vehicle size do you have in mind?
  • New or used vehicle?

Setting clear expectations and values for your first-time car owner will help follow them into adulthood. By doing so, you can establish that buying a car is a beneficial investment. If you are interested in learning more tips about purchasing a teen’s car, consult the resource below.

Infographic created by Capital Auto Auction