Decorating a Room to a High Standard in Just a Few Hours

Decorating a Room to a High Standard in Just a Few Hours


Life is full of surprise. You never really know what life will happen from one day to the next, which is one of the reasons it is so exciting.

The other day a friend of mine got a frantic call from a relative who was due to be evicted that week. She had been unable to find a new home, so was in a bad situation. Naturally, my friend wanted to help.

Luckily, she had a spare room, but it was in no fit state to be occupied. In the end, she sorted things out enough for her relative to be able to move in and avoid sleeping in the car. That was good to hear, but the whole incident got me thinking.

I started puzzling out how I would go about decorating a room in a rush, and on a budget. It took a bit of research, but I think I have found a formula that would work if you ever have to decorate a room quickly. Here it is.

Step one – Clear the room

The first step is to clear the room. It seems like a lot of work, but I can assure you that doing this saves time in the end. If you are in a real rush, do not be too organised about clearing the room.

Keep things simple, just get some boxes and put everything in them. Then store them against a single wall, or in the loft. You can go through them later.

Step two – decorating

Now you have a clear space you can see what needs to be done decorating wise, and get at it all. If you are lucky, you will not need to decorate, but if you do a few wall murals should do the trick. They are not expensive and go up in under half an hour. You can buy them here.

If you do not like that idea, get some one-coat paint, and spray or roller the walls, and if necessary the ceiling. Things will move much faster if two or three of you do this work.

Step 3 – Flooring

For the floors, the best approach is to clean what is there and buy a few rugs. These can be used to cover up any rough spots, and give the room a fresh new look.

Step 4 – Furniture

By far the biggest hurdle is furnishing a room at short notice. Most of us do not have much spare furniture lying around the house. Sometimes friends can help by lending you items, but moving large items is difficult, and hiring a van can work out more expensive than you think.

Using rental furniture from Emblem Furniture is a great way to get around this issue. Their service can be tailored to your needs. No job is too big or too small for this company. It does not matter whether you need to furnish just one room, a single house, or a block of flats they will lease you the furniture you need.