Are the Family Vehicles Safe to Drive?

Are the Family Vehicles Safe to Drive?

For many households, one is not the norm when it comes to how many vehicles are in the driveway or garage (perhaps on the street too).

With many couples working these days, there are typically two vehicles for each household. If you throw in a teen in their later years or another individual or two still living at home in their early 20’s, the number of vehicles for each household can increase rather quickly.

That said keeping those vehicles up to speed when it comes to maintenance can oftentimes be overlooked.

Whether it is trying to save on money or just not getting around to it, regular maintenance schedules can be skipped, leaving both the vehicle and the driver in potentially precarious positions.

So, take the time to look and see if your family vehicles are truly safe to drive.


Stick to Regular Maintenance Schedules

In order to give your vehicles the best chance at a long life, something that will actually save you money over time, make sure you do routine maintenance appointments.

Among the items to pay close attention to:

  1. Tires – Given the pounding that tires take during the lifetime of a car or truck, these 4 components of a vehicle are essential to longevity. Not only do bad tires present a safety issue, but they also can impact the alignment etc. If you think you are saving money by literally running your current old tires into the ground, think again. Make sure you have your tires rotated and checked regularly for any abnormal wear and tear;
  2. Brakes – Speaking of another portion of the vehicle that gets regular wear and tear, the brakes. Just like your tires, the brakes can’t be forgotten, especially when it comes to your safety and those around you. If you hear some screeching going on, take your vehicle in to have the brakes examined. You also want to make sure that any brake work gets done before the brakes actually grind down to the rotors, potentially costing you much more than a simple brake job;
  3. Fluids – One of the easier things to check, yet how many drivers are out there with fluid levels below where they should be, perhaps even empty in some cases? Checking into a local auto store is an easy way to stock up on the different fluids you need, be they windshield wiper fluid, anti-freeze coolants, oil, and much more. While bad tires or brakes are rather noticeable to the ears and eyes, drivers may at times miss out on knowing that their fluid levels are dangerously low. Leave yourself with a monthly reminder to check the essential fluid levels regularly;
  4. Lights – Another item on your vehicle that is easy to keep an eye on (literally), yet some drivers simply do not pay attention. Having a burned out light (front or back) has potential to put you and others in the car with you (not to mention other drivers) at risk. Take the time to make sure your headlights and taillights are all in proper working order. If not, a trip to your local auto parts store can remedy that problem in no time. Another reason for wanting all your lights in working order is steering clear of the police. In many states, police will pull drivers over (possibly fine them) for having burned out lights. In other states, the driver will get a warning ticket, typically giving them no more than 30 days to get the matter solved;
  5. Signals – Last but not least, your turn signals, hazard lights etc. also need to be working at all times. Yes, there are plenty of drivers out there who fail to use their signals when turning etc. In turn, many drivers behind them or facing them grow enraged, especially if the former cuts them off or makes them slam on the brakes at the last minute. Having a turn signal out is another offense that can potentially get you pulled over by law enforcement, so heed any warnings you get.

Having safe vehicles to drive should always be a priority around your home for obvious reasons.

If you’ve been a little lax to keep up to speed on your vehicle maintenance to this point, drive forward with better habits starting today.