Ways to Improve the Education System as a Role Model

Ways to Improve the Education System as a Role Model

Have you ever had a student excitedly call you their favorite teacher? Or have you ever had parents proudly exclaim about the positive influence you have on their child? It is not unusual to be complimented as an educator since you play a significant role in a student’s life. In a survey of about 2,000 Americans, over 70% responded that having a role model changed their lives. 

Your unique position as a role model can help the system as an educator. When you have the power to drive change, you can make lasting changes to the education system. Begin by creating a more student-inclusive learning environment and changing how students meet their learning goals. Diverse and more modern techniques will benefit students immensely. The result of your intervention in education will lead to a better, more wholesome learning environment. 

Here’s how you make this a possibility:

1. Restructure the Curriculum

Curriculums lie at the core of a successful educational system. They provide guidelines that are necessary for ensuring students fulfill their learning goals. However, most curriculums are restrictive and emphasize a linear method of education which benefits a few. As a role model educator, you need to focus on the student and design a curriculum that they will enjoy. 

A holistic learning environment is only possible with a good curriculum. Essential components of well-designed curriculums provide activities for the whole person. It would help if you started by promoting more physical activity for students. Then, introduce popular learning styles such as more projects and group learning, also known as peer education and kinesthetic learning. The curriculum should also dive into working with disabled students and introduce techniques like visual stimulation to help them focus. To help you better understand, we invite you to visit this site and get a better idea of how it works.

For example, e-learning increases the retention of American students by 60%. Therefore you should look into digital classrooms and online learning and add them to the new guide. 

2. Get Into the Habit of Student Feedback

Teachers and students are not competing – instead, education is a collaborative process. This is why you should involve students in their academics. As a role model, when you entertain a student’s perspective, you also teach them interpersonal skills such as active listening and articulating their thoughts. 

Most students are mindful of what they want in a classroom, and standard techniques often don’t work for them. Therefore you should ask your students how they want to learn. According to a survey, about 40% of students enjoy the kinesthetic way of studying. This method uses physical movement as a way to learn. 

Instead of writing on the board, you should ask students to create flowcharts or make models out of clay. Introducing different exercises and dance moves will also help students to learn. Feedback will help you make better choices when it comes to education. Most students like being heard will make them respect you more and help them enjoy classes more than hollow teaching.

3. Create an Inclusive Classroom 

About seven out of ten American black students get discriminated against based on their hair alone before even showing up to class. At the same time, only 14% of disabled students can attend school due to a lack of resources. These numbers highlight systemic inequalities, and you need to look into improving them. It would help if you started by creating an inclusive environment by helping your students eradicate stereotypes and racial bias from their vocabulary. You can do this by using sensitive language and educating your students to do the same. 

Historical documentaries and discussions can improve students’ understanding of the black community’s contribution and challenges. It would help to let your students in the minority discuss what discrimination they face and improve them. Students who deliberately choose to propagate racism should be disciplined, penalized, and in some cases sent home with a warning letter. 

For students with disabilities such as ADHD, you should address their needs individually. Arrange desks into rows to give them space to move. It would help if you used visual cues to help disabled children learn instead of audio-only lectures. You may also encourage these students through sensory stimulation instead of traditional courses. Disabled children may have a breakdown as a natural reaction to their surroundings. In such cases, you need coping mechanisms like soothing music, toys, and even ready access to medical services. 

4. Comfortable Learning through Technology

Technologically enhanced learning can do wonders for a student. These methods are incredibly self-paced and allow students to learn at their own pace. They also boost their self-confidence and make your students trust that you will teach them well. If that is too much of a burden on the school budget, consider google street view and use the interactive features to teach students about famous places. 

It would be best if you also looked into gamified learning, such as Quizlet. This software has a colorful format and displays questions like a game show. So your pupils don’t see their subjects as tedious chores. Using technology will also make you a relatable teacher and bring your students closer to you. You may also become a pioneer in introducing a friendlier and fun education style that is different from conventional teaching. This is also a type of cooperative learning where the students teach you as much as you teach them.

5. Get Parents Involved

Parents have a good idea about their children and will help you understand them better. Through parental involvement, you may learn techniques that will make you into a more refined teacher. Parents may tell you what the school needs and what you can do for their child. Such as the kind of guidance counselor, students need more hybrid classes and other forms of expression such as dancing and art. 

You will notice that incorporating parents’ advice helps you connect with students and makes you well-reputed among parents. A good role model is friendly with all. This sets a message for your students on the difference between active participation and listening. You will also create an educational system where parents are involved instead of detached from their child’s learning.

Final Thoughts

Being a role model is all about setting examples. Your students need to know that you’re doing all there is for them. Therefore, as a role model teacher, you should look into improving the education system for your pupils. It would help if you looked into restructuring the curriculum to create a better nurturing environment. 

A classroom is diverse, so you should make the space more inclusive. Don’t forget to use technology as a tool to teach students. As a trailblazer, you should also be the first to get parents heavily involved in the school system. With these measures, you will reform the school system for the better.