The crucial signals that tell you it’s time to slam the brakes

The crucial signals that tell you it’s time to slam the brakes

We don’t need to highlight the importance of brakes – if there ever was an example of teaching to suck eggs we’ve probably found it. Despite their importance, a lot of drivers on the road aren’t overly familiar with how they work and ultimately, how they can go wrong.


Considering how paramount they are to the general safety of all passengers, and those in other vehicles for that matter, it’s all quite surprising. Therefore, if you are scratching your head about your brakes, or just wondering what you should be looking out for in the worst case scenarios, sit back and read on to find out.

Why do I have to press down further than before to initiate the brakes?

As you may have gathered, this is the start of a problem. This is usually the time when drivers will start looking at Omega Auto Care Reviews in a bid to claim for replacement parts, for the simple reason that it signals the time when the brake pads are coming to their end of their lifespan.

Over time, you’ll have to press even further down and eventually, your foot will reach the base of the car. Certainly, this is a scary thought, but the fact you have recognized the problem already is good news and now you just have to act and fit the replacement part. The longer this issue is left, the more dangerous your vehicle becomes.

What does it mean if there is vibration in the pedal or steering wheel?

In some ways, this is an even more serious problem than the last issue we looked at. While it might have similar safety repercussions (like anything related to the brakes, you will be put in danger), the other point is that this can be a very expensive problem if its left to escalate.

It’s telling you that the metal is incurring a lot of friction and over time, the rotors around your brakes will begin to warp. This can cause all sorts of problems but again, if you’ve just noticed the symptoms, you’re in good shape to get it fixed quickly.

What does it mean if my brake pads are making a screeching, grinding or piercing sound?

There might be occasions where you don’t necessarily feel your brakes acting differently, but they are instead making a sound which doesn’t seem quite right. Anything along the lines of screeching, piercing or grinding falls into this category and if you notice any of these, it’s again time to start action.

It’s another indication that your pads are starting to incur the wrath of friction. If you can ask a garage to look into the problem quickly, there’s a chance that you can fix everything in a flash. However, leave it to wait and the repair bill could rack up – this friction can cause all sorts of damage to other parts around the pads and make the problem far more serious than it should be.