The Best Bathroom Fixtures for Saving Water

The Best Bathroom Fixtures for Saving Water



In the times that we’re living, one of the more important issues (along with a few more!) is being ecological. There are eco-warriors out there doing their part, and we can all help join them in making the Earth a more sustainable and better place for us to live, and for future generations. The bathroom is a great way to start making steps in that direction, so let’s see what can be done.


Water is an amenity that we all too often take for granted – well, that is until the water bill arrives. Luckily, there are several easy steps that can be made to save water that are eco-friendly, not only to the environment, but also to the pocket. If one is thinking that the water bill is high, then it’s definitely time to save water in the household, by taking a few proactive measures. Living in the W. Australia region and in need of hot water repair or plumbing? Make sure to use, reliable, qualified experts. There will be no regrets.

Taps and Shower Heads

Check all the taps in the home for leaks or drips. Repairing or replacing defective taps can save hundreds of gallons of water every year. If replacing taps, install low-flow taps and shower heads inside the home. These water conservation products work by limiting the amount of water that passes through the tap, while still providing enough for cleaning and other everyday tasks. (Installing a low-flow tap or shower head should actually increase the water pressure for that fixture). Perth’s commercial plumbers Peter Stannard Plumbing and Gas are professionals who get the job done, just the way it should be. Reduced flow items are inexpensive and can save water without even thinking about it.


Yes, we’ve all seen them, but it’s hard to know which one to get. The dual flush system has become the most popular ecological wise, and is designed to conserve water by using less water for flushing liquid waste than solid. Most models have two buttons, one for a liquid waste flush and another for solid waste. In addition to its water-saving benefits, dual flush toilets are reported to clog less often than a conventional model. This type of toilet is now more popular in Australia and New Zealand, than ever.


Water can also be saved in the bathroom by paying attention to hygiene practices. Make sure to turn the water off at the sink when brushing teeth, washing hands or taking a shave. Take baths sparingly, and if bathing small children, use just enough water to clean them thoroughly. Discourage playtime in the bathtub to teach efficiency while bathing. (Well, once a week ‘splash time,’ might just be a good idea!). When the children grow older, it will be great to see them eco-friendly.

Have a Chat

If living in a large household, especially with teenagers, discuss the intention to save water with all members. Explain ways that household members can help practice conservation efforts. Usually, after beginning to make positive changes, children are quick to follow. It may come as a surprise to see how easy it is to save water with a few simple steps and minor changes in habits.