In Understandable Terms: 5 Things You Need to Know About Communicating Divorce to Your Children

In Understandable Terms: 5 Things You Need to Know About Communicating Divorce to Your Children

If you and your significant other have decided it would be best for you two to separate, conveying the news to your children is never an easy task. When breaking the news to your children, consider these five tips to successfully convey the message to your children with the least damage possible. Don’t point fingers…
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Pleasant Parenting – 7 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Early Motherhood

Pleasant Parenting – 7 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Early Motherhood

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. Most mothers agree that parenting is incredibly stressful. When at its worst that stress can negatively affect personal relationships, mental well-being and your work life. Unchecked stress can also affect your relationship with your child, making you insensitive to their needs and less fun to be around in general. To…
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