Things To Look Out For When Selecting An Electrofusion Supplier

Things To Look Out For When Selecting An Electrofusion Supplier

An Electrofusion Supplier will have everything you need to keep these pipes in good working order

Image by Silverlen via Flickr

For many of us who deal with pipe work in both large industries and personal home improvement plans, there will eventually come a time when we have to make repairs or tweaks in our current piping system. To be able to conduct these pipe fixes, we need to have suitable equipment and careful planning depending on the scale of our projects. For those who frequently manage piping systems, the need for pipe fittings and their steady supply needs to come from a reliable supplier. In addition, electrofusion is an area where people favour their reliability and ease of use. For this reason, pipe enthusiasts are always looking or suppliers who can provide them with fine grade electrofusion kits. There is of course a multitude of suppliers available almost anywhere within our area, but there are indeed important factors that one must consider when choosing a reliable supplier.

Electrofusion fittings

Electrofusion technology for pipes has been around for quite some time. The advent of this technology has made repairs quick and easy for anyone to accomplish. With only a few simple tools, DIY enthusiasts or industrial workers alike can quickly conduct their modifications in a matter of minutes. Electrofusion fittings work best with pipes such as PE (polyethylene) based materials. If it is the first time that you have heard of this technology, electrofusion basically heats up and melts the two adjoining pipes that are fitted into the electrofusion fittings. The heat from the unit’s inner coils produces heat and melts the pipes which then naturally “glues” together during the cool-down period. If you have never used this technique before, it is a good idea to get your hands on a unit and try to understand how it works as it takes a bit of time to get used to. Electrofusion is a true marvel to work with and it really makes your life easier when doing repairs or making fine-tuning adjustments to your simple or complex piping projects.

Choosing the best supplier

When choosing a supplier to provide you with electrofusion fittings, there are a number of things to look for. A supplier should always be reliable and flexible when offering their services, which in turn can make us into loyal customers. Always do your research and make comparisons with other suppliers in your area (or even outside). Some of the things to look out and ask for amongst others are:

– Does the supplier sell quality electrofusion fittings?

– Does the supplier have a number of selections to choose from?

– Does the supplier allow single item purchases in irregular amounts?

– Will the supplier be able to cater large orders?

– Can the supplier deliver within a given time frame (24 hours or less)?

– Does the supplier provide product warranties?

– Is insurance provided with the products?

– Will the supplier hold responsibility if their products are not in time?

– Does the supplier provide discounts for large order purchases?

– Does the supplier allow for cancellation of orders in a given period of time?

– Can the supplier help with installation if needed?


After we have taken the considerations to look out for when choosing a supplier, we should always go for the one that is flexible in their offers and are able to cater our needs. Although we might not always use one supplier for all of our piping needs at home, there is nothing wrong in choosing multiple suppliers and working with their terms and conditions. Basically, a supplier is a party who can provide you with the items that you need, and if they can cater that with the conditions that we deem is fair, then you have yourself a trustworthy supplier. Lastly, be aware that we should always expect the unexpected and we have to come to fair agreement terms with our suppliers if we want to establish a long lasting customer to supplier relationship.