Hey Urban Housewives! We’re here today with some really great information from Watts McCray Family Lawyers regarding child support, specifically in Australia. This is an issue near and dear to our hearts, and they’ve got some really useful statistics and guidance.
These days, it seems like there isn’t anybody (especially in New York City) who isn’t in some way effected by divorce or separation. But kids who go through this are particularly vulnerable. While it may be hard to put a child’s health and logistical future at the center of a tragic relationship end, it’s of the utmost importance.
In most cases, parents and other family members understand the need to put a child’s safety and emotional well-being first. Parental responsibility and living arrangements for children in separated families (formerly referred to as “child custody”, “residence”, “contact” or even “access”) need to be considered and decided upon following a relationship breakdown. By law the best interests of the child are always the most important consideration.
Where a child will live, how often they spend time with each of their parents, the sharing of special event days such as birthdays, Christmas, and school holidays, and how parents make decisions about the care of their children once separated, are all issues of great importance which should be included in any agreement about children. The role that grandparents, step parents, and other important people in the lives of children must also be considered, and appropriately addressed according to the law.