Bharat Bhise – How to Get More Followers on Your Instagram Account

Bharat Bhise – How to Get More Followers on Your Instagram Account

If you are looking to get more followers on your Instagram profile, either for business or for personal reasons then this is a post for you. My business colleague Bharat Bhise and I have spent many years on honing our skills when it comes to increasing our level of followers on our business page and we think that we have a solid strategy for how to go about increasing our numbers. Naturally there is always more to learn, but at the moment , this is what has been working out well for us, and you can always buy Instagram followers in the end.

Things to Avoid

A couple of things to mention which you need to avoid, the first is paying for followers using a third party service, the result is almost always a huge boost in following, but normally with fake or inactive accounts, neither of which will help you. The second thing to avoid is following people en masse in the hope that they follow you back, and then unfollowing, it is unethical and ultimately too time consuming. 


There are no real tricks or shortcuts to getting more followers on Instagram, and to be honest the most important thing is the content which you are putting out. Content is king and no matter how many followers you have right now, you have to spend a great deal of time and energy into ensuring that your content looks outstanding. When people hit your profile to decide if they want to follow you, it is up to you and your content to give them a reason to do so. 


Being part of the conversation is a great opportunity to get more followers, which is why you need to stay on top of trending topics. Let’s say that you have a fashion influencer page, when London fashion week comes around you need to be sharing and re-sharing your content to bring in those people who are talking about this topical event. 


Tagging is an absolute gift for anyone who is looking to increase their following and it is vital that you use this in the right way. On Insta people can actually follow tags, rather than just profiles, and this gives you a great opportunity to get yourself onto their newsfeed, and convert them to followers. If you have a local business then you also need to make the most of geotags, as more and more people are using the service to find local businesses. 


Finally you have to be engaging with your existing followers and on the profiles of those who aren’t yet following. This is not a one way street, it is a community that you are a part of and if you want more people to pay attention to what you are doing and saying, you have to be able to do your bit to contribute towards the community. 

Follow these tips and you will see more followers in no time