A quick guide to keeping the home organized as a housewife

A quick guide to keeping the home organized as a housewife

Being a housewife is a job on its own. It takes a lot of planning and effort for a housewife to keep the home organized at all times. And housewives deserve more appreciation for their efforts than they get.

As a housewife, you’re the only one who knows where it pricks you. Of course, it is a tough job. You might be struggling to keep the home clean and organized all the time when you have babies or toddlers to care for. There’s a meal to prepare, groceries to get, and some laundry to do. And you mustn’t neglect your self-care and mental health in the process. That’s not an option.

So how do you ensure you get everything done and your home looks organized? It’s all about knowing the right tips and tricks to follow. And that’s what you’re here. So let’s get on with it.

1. Create routines you can stick to

The first step to keeping your home organized is to create routines. In short, being organized begins with routines: knowing what to do at each given time.

Without order, you might spend too much time on one task or forget to do another. Routines help you get things done without much conscious thought: without stress. How?

You know that once you’ve dropped the kids at school, you’re to get groceries on the way home. Then, on your return, you do laundry and a little cleaning, bathe, get some nap, prepare lunch, and pick up the kids from school. Etc. With a regular pattern, you don’t have to overthink tasks as that can get you stressed. Creating routines reduces stress from a hectic day as you already know what comes after what.

2. Plan your meals

Another step to staying organized as a housewife is to have a meal plan. This is just another form of routine, although tailored explicitly for the kitchen.

You don’t have to stick to one meal plan every week as that can get boring. So you can create a new meal plan every new week.

But how does meal planning help you stay organized?

It takes out the stress. Thinking about what to cook each day is stressful. As a housewife, you already know this. By creating a meal plan, you only get to worry your head once (at the beginning of the week). After that, it’s all about stocking up groceries, and you’ll know what to cook each morning, afternoon, and evening without having to think, think, and think. And if you’re unavailable, your spouse or child can look at the timetable and know what to do.

A meal plan also saves time. Since you know what you’ll need throughout that week, you only go grocery shopping once and stock up your fridge.

3. Schedule your cleaning

A clean house is the pride of a good housewife. But apart from that, it is essential for your health and that of your family.

Eliminating clutter, dust, and germs will reduce the risks of allergies and infections. But remember that no cleaning and home organization is complete without pest control.

Rodents, houseflies, and cockroaches are a nuisance, can disrupt your sleep, spread diseases, and leave you stressed.

Some of these insects have different ways to deal with them in terms of prevention and extermination. Therefore, it’s helpful to have a resource for pest control you can read for guidance. From expert tips, services, and products, you can find the best ways to manage infestations.

For you to get your cleaning right, there are two ways to go:

  • Do a little cleaning a day — you can clean one room each day. This will ensure your time for cleaning is minimal if you can’t spend a whole day cleaning. You can also share it with your kids.
  • Take a day out of the week (especially the weekend) for a total clean with the family.

4. Clean your kitchen before bed

How do you feel when you wake up to a messy kitchen? If your answer is “grumpy,” you’re not alone.

Waking up to a clean kitchen can set the mood for your morning. It would help to wash the dishes after dinner, take out the garbage, and wipe the kitchen counter and sink. You don’t have to dry the dishes right then. Leave them to drip-dry and arrange them in the rack the following day while the water boils in the kettle.

5. Don’t try to do it all, and never at once

Two mistakes you can make as a housewife are trying to do it all by yourself and trying to do it all at once.

You’re not superman, and no one is. So why not get your kids involved? For example, ask them to clean a window or their rooms before dinner. They can also help you in the kitchen.

You don’t have to do all the cleaning and cooking in one morning. You’ll wear yourself out. Have time for yourself; grab at least an hour’s nap before continuing again. Self-care is essential for all housewives and mothers.

Finally, create your own standards that you can stick to. What works for someone else might not always work for you.

At the end of the day, doing what you’re comfortable and happy with is the only way you can stay consistent.