A Few Ways to Spend More Time with Your Children

A Few Ways to Spend More Time with Your Children

Most of us would love to spend more time with our kids but work and busy lives often get in the way. Of course, it isn’t only about how much time you spend with them but rather the quality of the time. This means that you should do the most exciting things you can together.

Use the Garden

One of the best parts of the house to spend time in is the garden. If you are lucky enough to have an outdoor space then you should make the most of it with your children. If you can get them interested in wildlife or gardening then you can have a lot of fun here by attracting animals or by planting vegetables. It is guaranteed to be interesting and educational as well.

Help Them Study

This might not be quite so exciting for you but your children will definitely appreciate you making the effort to help them out with their homework. This is something which they have to do and if you can lend them a hand then you can make it a lot easier for them. You will be able to keep track of how they are getting on and give yourself a pat on the back when all the studying pays off at exam time.

Watch a Movie

A trip to the cinema to see one of the latest movies is a timeless treat which perhaps you used to enjoy with your own parents. The technology and comfort factor in cinemas have improved a lot in recent years but the thrill of seeing new films on the giant screen is as strong as ever. Some of the best cinemas, such as the Showcase chain, are very family oriented and will make sure that you all feel comfortable as you enjoy a couple of hours of entertainment in each other’s company. Or you could always set up a home theater and watch family movies online. Getting a Netflix subscription alongside a VPN to bypass geo-blocks allows you access to most movies.

Play Some Sports

There are a number of benefits to playing some sports with your family and keeping fit is one of the big ones. If you have a big garden, a local park or a nearby sports centre then you can take your pick from a number of different sports to get involved in. You should pick things which your kids are confident in and enjoy rather than your own preference.  Of course, any physical activity should be followed up with a cool drink, something to eat and maybe some ice cream, to top off the experience.

Do you have any other tips to share with us? Share your thoughts on the comment section!

This guest post is published in partnership with www.showcasecinemas.co.uk