7 Things Every Parent Must Consider When Moving with Kids

7 Things Every Parent Must Consider When Moving with Kids

Whether it is a few towns over, the next state over or completely across the other side of the country, any move is a big move. Regardless of how long one lived in their old house, it was home; they had friends around town, a foundation at work or school and knew the area well. But moving can be fun! It is the start of a new adventure and leads to new opportunities. However, when one has children and is moving the whole family, it is crucial parents keep certain things in mind and consider these aspects before making the big decision.

Recognize That the Kids Might Not Want to Move

This is especially important when a job relocation is causing the move and the kids are less than enthusiastic about it. In the end, the parents will have the final say, but it is important parents take the time to sit down with the family as a whole. This will give the kids the chance to express their thoughts about it and feel heard, as well as give parents the chance to explain why the move is necessary and what a great adventure lies ahead.

Evaluate School Options

Before deciding on a town or district, check out what schools are nearby and which ones are best for the children. Whether it is a public, charter or private school, where the kids receive their education is perhaps the most important decision that comes with the move. Plus, this will affect their network of friends, as well as the parents, so it is important it is the right fit.

Check Out the House and Town First

Before even putting an offer down, it is vital one sees the new home in person. It is important to bring the children along, too, if possible. Although the parents will ultimately decide on the home, it is important to let the kids see the place beforehand, even letting them choose their rooms if that is an option. This is also a great time to check out the town and get acquainted with the area. Even touring schools and seeing what the downtown has to offer can help the kids get adjusted to the upcoming move.

Plan Ahead

Regardless of the size of one’s house, it is crucial to plan well ahead of time and begin the packing process early. Also, consider if it is necessary to hire movers, especially if moving across the country. Rather than driving a big truck 300+ miles with the whole family, pay for a moving service so everything arrives at the new home while leisurely flying and not lifting a finger.

Employ the Kids

Even if one decides to hire a moving company, most of the packing falls on the owners. If they are old enough, have the children assist with the packing, and incentivize them with rewards or even an hourly wage. One can also persuade them that packing their own belongings will ensure they know everything is packed, where it is and makes unpacking at the new home easy and stress-free.

Host a Yard Sale

Once the packing has begun, begin putting aside things the family no longer needs or wants. Create two piles, one to throw away and one to offer at the yard sale. It is important to advertise the yard sale a week or two before to lure in potential customers, with flyers, online postings in groups or local blogs and through word-of-mouth. Whatever does not sell, bring to the local donation center for those in need.

Make Necessary Changes Once Moved In

If one owns the home, it is important to make adjustments and touch-ups early on. Before bringing anything into the house, do a walk-through to see what maintenance needs to be done. From adding blinds to repainting a room to fixing a toilet, minor and inexpensive replacements can make a world of a difference, for the parents and the kids.

Regardless of how close or how far one is moving, any move is a huge life change. It can play a big part in a kid’s life, and if not done cautiously, the child may not adjust well to their new life. However, when parents consider these aspects and take the necessary steps, the move can be seamless, leading to new and fun adventures for the whole family.