How to Locate the Best Online Payday Loans If you are looking for a low cost source of money, Online Payday Loans may be your answer. With no credit checks required, you can apply for a payday loan anywhere you are and usually receive the money on the same day. We offer the best possible…
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Tag Archives: finances
What Does Identity Theft Do to Your Credit History?
You know identity theft isn’t something you want to experience. Your thief can drag your financial good name through the mud and impact your family’s chances of getting a personal loan or line of credit in the future. But why? While news of identity theft and big data breaches fill the headlines, the nitty-gritty of…
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Should You Marry Someone Who Has Bad Credit
Money is a subject often overlooked during courtship conversations. However, money is also one of the leading causes of marital strife. If you stop and think about it — all emotion aside — it’s absolutely a discussion a couple should have before deciding to bind their lives together. Moreover, the fact you’re reading this article places…
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Spring Clean Your Finances for a Fresh Start
Spring is in the air and that means it’s time to clear out the cobwebs from winter and participate in the early ritual known as spring cleaning. But beyond clearing out closets and finally emptying out that junk drawer, there are many areas of our lives that can benefit from spring cleaning. If you’re in…
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Tips for Getting by When Juggling Debt
The feeling of debt can weigh us down. Even if you struggle to imagine a life free from debt, it is possible to achieve your long-term financial goals. If you are struggling with debt, you’re not alone. In fact, the current state of things in Canada indicates that among more and more Canadians, debt is…
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Installment vs. Payday Loans: Which is better?
Installment and payday loans sometimes get confused for each other, so the goal of this article is to clarify the difference between these types of loans. When applying for a loan, which of the two is better to get? Here’s what you need to know about installment and payday loans that will help you make…
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What is APR? A Simple 5-Minute Guide
When you are trying to understand credit cards, debt and how to responsibly manage lines of credit, one of the important things you need to understand is APR. Choosing the right APR credit card for you and your lifestyle is key when you want to have a card that works for you and doesn’t drown…
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