Spring vs. Fall Turkey Hunting: It’s a Different Ball Game

Spring vs. Fall Turkey Hunting: It’s a Different Ball Game

There are key differences between spring and fall turkey hunting. To maximize your hunting season, it’s important to plan properly. To help, here are a few things hunters should know before gearing up.

Turkey Habits

Since all species of wildlife depend on four habitat components to survive, it should be fairly easy to nail down turkey habits. During turkey season California, you’ll be hunting Toms, Jakes and Hens. An adult female (Hen) has more stringent rules for the hunt. Depending on your location, some regulations may prevent shooting a Hen during hunting season. This makes things difficult when both the Jakes and Toms are constantly mixing with the Hens. To get around this obstacle, you have to understand turkey habits. Knowing why they group, what breaks them up and why they flock to an area is vital to the hunt. Hens in particular can have tricky behavior once they are spooked too soon into the season.


The spring hunting season is special thanks to the mating habits of the Toms (adult males). They’re vocal, and start doing everything they can to catch the attention of a mate. This is noticeable, and one of the main reasons why spring is considered to be the best hunting season for turkeys. The Jakes (young males) are in the same flock as the Toms while going through a similar mating process. There is a competition going on, as both sides try to fight for the attention of a compatible Hen. For spring, you will get the greatest chance possible to hunt for a male of any size.


The flock is strong during the fall for the Hens and Jakes. As the group looks for food, Toms do the same but by themselves. That means for the fall, the Toms are the most vulnerable. Turkeys will look in general areas for nuts, bugs, grass and acorns. They can even be found in places with an abundant amount of grain. A hunter that wants to be bold can go after the Hens and Jakes in the fall. This will definitely provide a challenge, and is not out of the question if you plan everything ahead of time. Besides bragging rights, going this route may be the only option if there is a scarcity of Toms in the area.

Hunter Tips

Flocks of all types are often broken up to manage the size. This is a beneficial move for hunters that want to control the pace. During the fall, your ability to imitate Hen talk will be a big contributor to your success. Use this along with general hunting knowledge to make the most of the flock and the area they frequent. In early spring, a male decoy will distract the males long enough for any hunter to take full advantage. And in late spring, the same decoy will group up the competing male turkeys.

Find the Right Time

Going in unprepared is the easiest way to regret turkey hunting season. Experience helps, but all hunters should be aware of season advantages. Play to your strengths, and you’ll go home victorious.