Snack Leisure: Four Quick Hits to Perk up Your Day

Snack Leisure: Four Quick Hits to Perk up Your Day

We all need a pick me up every now and then. Tea and coffee are the staple instant boosters, but there is more to needing a lift than a hot drink and a caffeine shot. The personal down time that ‘drinks’ breaks provide are every bit as important as what you actually consume.

The great danger is that it is all too tempting to fill out those moments with something sweet and toothsome alongside the brew. That is the fast track to Weightwatchers. It’s not something I’m keen to recommend.

Instead, here are four instant hits that you can build into your day that can give you a quick, nourishing and lasting emotional lift – a snack for the soul if you will.

Boost 1 Get better at something

This isn’t as pompous as it sounds. If you devote ten minutes a day to getting better at something – it doesn’t matter what it is – you’ll have a reason to feel a whole lot better about yourself. Get to grips Greek, take a touch typing course, learn to limbo… Look, this list could go on for a very long time… the point is to grab an online resource of some sort, to set ten minutes aside every day and to commit to getting better at whatever it is takes your fancy. A regular time slot, a structured programme with achievable goals and a small commitment to self-improvement really will give you a reason to give yourself a pat on the back. You’ll be amazed how the weirdest thing can make you feel great.

Boost 2 Give yourself a treat

Before you ask, no this is not about cake and biscuits. This still isn’t that sort of article. The type of treat I’m thinking about constitutes a bit of emotional self-management, and there are much healthier ways to do that than chomping through a pack of hobnobs. I’ve talked about online bingo before (I discovered online bingo recently) and that does the job perfectly. It’s a little corner of the internet that is purely about self-indulgence. No strings attached, no hassle and a few minutes of complete escapism is the perfect way to give yourself a little emotional recharge. It’s like an ice bucket for the soul – one quick dip and the job is done before you know it. And yes, it can feel secretive and naughty, and that just adds to the fun.

Boost 3 Explore your inner space

This might sound a bit happy-clappy, but give mediation a go. If you can set aside a bit longer than just the length of a coffee break – and you know you can if you put your mind to it! You’ll be amazed at what directly addressing your inner self can do. You don’t have to go all yogic and start burning incense or wearing orange (not that we’re here to stop you). A beginners’ cd or an online course is a great way to get the ball rolling. It will take a while to get the hang of it but soon enough there comes a point where something just chimes and you’ll experience an amazing sense of well-being. Trust me – there’s a great big world in there!

Boost 4 Do something for someone else

OK so I am beginning to sound like some sort of hippy chick, but bear with me. There is a lot of psychological research that says the best way to feel good about yourself is to go out of your way to do something for someone else. Psychologists talk about social reciprocity. It doesn’t matter what you do – you can put a neighbour’s bins out, do something charitable or just cook something that you know someone really enjoys eating – what is important is that you make a conscious effort do something for another person. Hopefully you won’t turn into one of those bright eyed do-gooders that are such a nuisance at the end of the check-out queue, but if self-worth is what we’re talking about (it is!) then this is as good a natural booster as there is.

You know what? I feel great about passing on these tips. I think I’ve earned a cup of coffee!