Make Sure You Get Your Downtime

Make Sure You Get Your Downtime

If you’re a busy Mum, you may often feel like you need to be something of a “superwoman”, pushing yourself to ever new heights as you complete more daily tasks.

When you do so – you do start to feel like a world-beater who can do almost anything. As the old adage goes – if you really want something doing, ask a buy person – or words to that effect.

But this is quite dangerous territory for most of us. It means we aren’t giving ourselves enough constructive and organized downtime. You can quickly recognise the symptoms in yourself if you just can’t seem to switch off your mind when you want to.

So the trick is to give yourself some time every day where you’re able to zone out from the world for a while. Remember, though, that this is not about sleeping. You may well need a short sleep during the course of the day if you’re leading a very busy life, and not sleeping well – or if you have babies or young children who are awake in the night. But you also need time when you’re awake to simply “be” without “doing” every minute.

For some people, this is as simple as having a cup of tea and doing nothing much for 15 minutes or so. For others, meditation is the key to success. But meditation is a difficult thing to master, so if you don’t like trying this sort of thing, then try doing something fairly “mind-less’ instead. One friend I know plays online bingo, listening to the balls rattle and the calls in a mesmeric way as her tablet plays the games on auto-pilot. She completely zones out in this way as a way of making herself have a little downtime without simply napping. If you visit, or Cheeky Bingo, Gala Bingo or others, for that matter, you’ll soon see that you get a welcome bonus and you’re able to play the games automatically without having to mark off the cards yourself etc.

Playing any kind of games in this way like bingo or many others is great because it doesn’t take a huge amount of intellectual activity / concentration, and this is exactly what you’re trying to achieve. You want something that absorbs your mind in a way that isn’t demanding, so marking off a bingo card as he numbers are called, for example, is ideal. Doing something mesmeric is the key to success here and watching TV doesn’t achieve this kind of goal.

It’s really all about finding whatever works best for you to be able to relax and to try and quiet down your overly busy mind, in a way that doesn’t demand concentration. This life is not all about our minds and bodies – but you could be forgiven for thinking that it is in today’s busy world.