Figure it out: how to solve problems

Figure it out: how to solve problems

Dealing with a massive project you aren’t exactly sure how to tackle? These issues can be so overwhelming it can be a challenge to even get started.

Lloyd Claycomb knows the feeling, but he also knows you can overcome and rise above what you are going through, as he has dealt with these problems innumerable times over the years.

As a businessman who built a construction firm from the ground up, jumping hurdles has become second nature to him.

If he fled from his problems every time one cropped up, his business would not have lasted long, and he would not have gained the prestige he has earned in the Denver building community.

Want to figure out how to solve problems? Follow the points we have put together below and you’ll become far more effective at resolving issues than you have in the past.

1) Gather intelligence on the issue facing you 

Trying to solve problems without having good intel on what makes them the force they are will make it next to impossible for you to overcome them.

Make it your mission to learn as much as possible about the issue that you are confronting, as you’ll quickly find that when you do your research, the fear that had built within you will dissolve once you figure out what you need to do.

It’s easy to be fearful when you don’t know what to do. When you learn what makes it work, self-confidence grows as the issue loses its power over you.

2) Slice up the problem into manageable segments

Everyone has heard the analogy about how to consume an elephant. Obviously, it’s impossible to do it all in one go. But when you cube it up into multiple steaks and eat it over many weeks, it can be done.

The same thing goes when you are tackling a huge assignment. You won’t be able to do your part by waving a Harry Potter wand  – but defining what needs to happen first and getting started ASAP, you will be able to move things along better than if you had whined about it for hours on end.

Afterward, whatever needs to be done next will become apparent as you go. Eventually, a plan will emerge, making it easier to progress along the path you have set for yourself.

3) Pursue your plans with gusto

Standing still will torpedo your plans if you do it for too long. By getting to it and not letting up, you will be surprised how dreams can come true readily.

Make inertia your ally instead of your enemy. Instead of holding you where you are, have it be the wind at your back. If you do, you’ll be next to impossible to stop.

4) What went right/wrong? Take notes and adjust your course.

Once you are in motion, collect data as you go, as it will permit you to correct course to keep you moving towards your desired outcome.

On track to meet your goals? If so, tramp down on the gas and keep speeding toward them. Not getting anywhere? Figure what’s not going well and try something else.