Vegetarianism, where to start and what can vegetarians eat, and what not? Vegetarianism is a food system in which products of animal origin are limited or completely excluded. The main food, in this case, are products of plant origin. There are several types of vegetarian diets and we will consider them below.
Types of Vegetarian diets
1) Lacto-vegetarian diet. Lacto-vegetarianism what can I eat? (lacto translates as milk) – in which milk and dairy products are acceptable along with plant foods;
2) Ovo is a vegetarian diet. (ovo – eggs) – we also use plant foods and eggs, including fish caviar;
3) Ovo Lacto is a vegetarian nutritional system. Everything is already clear here – this is plant food + milk and milk products, + eggs of birds and fish;
4) Veganism. How is veganism different from vegetarianism? The difference is that this is the most stringent of vegan trends. While vegans use only plants foods, everything else is prohibited. No eggs, no milk and dairy products, nor anything meat and fish, seafood, and even sometimes honey, are excluded. Now you know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian.
Vegetarianism pros and cons. Health Benefits of Vegetarianism:
1. According to numerous studies conducted by nutritionist countries such as America in 2009, Dietitians of Canada in 2003, the New Zealand Dietetic Association in 2000, the British Institute of Nutrition in 2005, is considered that a properly planned vegetarian diet, even vegan, can be healthy and full, It is beneficial in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It is also suitable for people of any age, even vegetarianism is allowed during pregnancy and lactation, adolescents and children, athletes.
2. Plant-based food contains much less fat and calories, so a protein vegetable diet to lose weight for a month, will help people in fighting obesity. Even when you eat more food, you do not gain extra pounds of weight. Because the norm is kcal per day for women to lose weight, for example, 1350 kcal, and she consumes only 650, i.e. 2 times less than the daily norm.
3. Plant food helps remove toxins and waste from the body, with such a diet, metabolism is normalized, the body’s defenses are activated. No wonder that vegetarians practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, this diet also prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Now you know what removes toxins from the body at home.
4. Vegetarian food contains a lot of fiber, which stimulates peristalsis, which facilitates regular emptying. Such food has a good effect on the intestinal microflora; therefore, a vegetarian diet is recommended both in the treatment and in the prevention of chronic constipation.
5. Vegetables are rich in volatile compounds, which protect the organism against pathogenic bacteria, inhibit the processes of putrefaction in the intestine.
6. When cooking vegetables, use a much smaller amount of salt, and we all know that a large amount of salt is harmful to the health and salt retains fluid in the body.
7. Among vegetarians’ there are a lot of long-livers due to the fact that in plant foods are many useful carbohydrates, but they are a good source of energy.
8. As all the vegetables and fruit – a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the person. Especially, such as magnesium (contributes to the proper functioning of heart muscle cells, helps fight stress and depression), potassium (regulates blood pressure, improves brain function) and sodium (together with potassium regulates water-salt balance, normalize heart rhythm).
9. Psychologically improves self-esteem vegetarians, so they gain peace of mind, knowing that “We do not kill.”
Vegetarian Diet Slimming Menu
Carried away by vegetarianism, a person uses almost 300 types of vegetables, 600 types of fruits, and almost 200 types of nuts on his menu. The main sources of protein for a vegetarian diet are legumes (lentils, peas, beans, especially soy), nuts, cauliflower, wheat, spinach.
The source of fat is linseed, hemp, olive, sunflower, nut, corn, hemp, nut, poppy, almond, and cottonseed oil.
Vegetarian cheeses include cheddar cheese as well as soy cheese. You can easily ensure all the nutrients by ordering supplements online in Australia.
What is forbidden during a diet? In a vegetarian diet, the use of seasonings and vinegar is completely eliminated, replaced by the addition of herbs and lemon juice.
What foods do vegetarians eat:
1) Products from vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts without heat treatment: various salads and fruit desserts;
2) Bean products: vegetable pastes, various snacks, hummus;
3) Products from mushrooms, cereals, vegetables that are processed. These are all kinds of stewed, baked dishes (vegetable caviar, rice meatballs, falafel, etc.).
Sample vegetarian menu for the week:
Below we present a set of products for a vegan diet from which you can diversify to provide good nutrition for a month, choosing the options you like from breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Vegetarian breakfast recipes:
- Oatmeal 200g, vegetable salad, tea;
- From coarse flour 2 slices of bread, banana, coffee;
- 1 toast with apple slices, you can sprinkle with lemon juice, carrot casserole 30 gr. Tea coffee);
- Barley porridge, fruit salad, tea;
- 1 orange, 1 bran bread toast, compote or tea;
- 150 grams of boiled lentils, 1 green apple, coffee with soy milk;
- 100 gr. Strawberries or raspberries, coffee can be supplemented with 2 dry buns;
- Potato pancakes, vegetables, tea.
Second vegetarian breakfast:
- Any vegetable salad (e.g. vinaigrette);
- Any fruit, you can add 1 spoon of soy sour cream;
- 30 grams of unroasted almonds, 1 pear;
- Fruit salad.
What to cook a vegetarian for lunch?
- 1 grilled carrot cutlet, boiled rice 150 gr, apple or orange;
- Any vegetable salad, a slice of whole-meal bread, bean soup, juice;
- Beetroot salad with walnuts, buckwheat porridge with the addition of vegetable sauce, 1 apple, compote;
- Vegetable salad, vegetarian pilaf with vegetables, 1 orange;
- Salad seasoned with lemon juice, pasta casseroles with broccoli, orange;
- Carrot salad, vegetable soup with the addition of feta cheese, 100 g crackers;
- Half a serving of pea soup, puree, rice with stewed vegetables, herbal tea;
- Asparagus salad, green cabbage soup, tortillas with mash;
- Stewed vegetables, soy tofu soup, salad of apples, cheese and celery season with olive oil;
- Asparagus bean salad, stewed beans, a slice of whole-meal bread with a paste of mashed vegetables.
Vegetarian afternoon snack:
- Any fruit salad;
- Any fruit, pumpkin seeds;
- Vegetable salad.
Dinner. What to cook for dinner for a vegetarian?
- Buckwheat with mushrooms, vegetable salad;
- Vegetable salad, bean curd with stewed vegetables, 1 song apple;
- Stuffed cabbage or stuffed peppers, vegetable salad, rosehip infusion;
- Braised cabbage, apple salad, a glass of juice;
- 1 pear, vegetable stew with beans and cheese;
- Potato and asparagus casseroles freshly squeezed vegetable juice;
- Vegetable pizza, leaf lettuce;
- Baked potatoes, fruit salad with the addition of slices of pumpkin, a glass of kefir;
- Tomato and cucumber salad, 2 toasts with zucchini caviar.
From this article, you have learned all the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables. As well as how to create a balanced menu for vegetarians and everything about a diet for vegetarians to lose weight.