Do you have a busy work-life schedule? Are you tired after the school run and helping your children with their homework but still desperate to have the same fun-filled social life you had when you were young, free and single?
Having guests over for dinner can be a great way to make sure you stay in touch with friends. But let’s face it – it isn’t always easy to juggle everything you need to do during the day and make sure the evening is as perfect as you would like.
This time, you thought ahead and have already sorted the food – there’s a roast in the oven, a fresh salad waiting to be tossed and wine at the ready … two bottles of red andwhite! You must have thought of everything.
Or so you think.
Looking at the lounge-dining room, it could be looking better but your husband insists it looks fine (it doesn’t) … but there are ways to get round it.
Add flowers
Flowers are a great way to spruce up a room and create a sudden happiness in your guests. I’m sure you will get plenty of compliments on the look and smell of the flowers. If you don’t have time to go out and pick up flowers from your local market, you can order flowers online to be delivered before any of your guests arrive. Your guests will all be asking themselves how you pulled everything off with such a busy lifestyle.
Set the lights
Set the mood even further by adjusting the lights in your room. If you have a living-diner where guests will be eating then you want to make sure there is enough light for guests to see what they’re eat but dimming other areas of the room and lighting a few candles can really change the atmosphere and spruce up the room.
Clear the seats
An easy way to make any room look more inviting is to clear the furniture – and in particular, the seats. Whether it’s your week’s worth of ironing or a pile of newspapers and magazines, move it to another area of the home or place inside linen boxes or coffee tables to hide it from view. After all, if guests have to ask where they can sit then your dinner party won’t be off to a good start!