When you’re short on cash, you have two options: adjust your budget or make more money. Since nobody wants to cancel their cable subscription or limit how often they eat out, making more money is ideal.
Okay, so budgeting is still important to your financial security, but don’t discredit the idea of making more money. Here are nine side jobs to consider.
1. Landlord
Real estate is one of the smartest investments you can make. Not only does purchasing a rental property provide a steady monthly income, but it also promises high returns on the resale. If you’re nervous about the prospect of other people in your property, there are lots of ways to find secure reliable pre-vetted tenants, giving you peace of mind about who’s living in your rental.
Landlording isn’t for everyone, according to one of the top property management companies in Houston. In their experience, tenants are very particular with what they expect from their landlords. However, If you’re organized, a good people person, handy, trustworthy, punctual, flexible, and possess strong communication skills, landlording might be the perfect side job.
2. Blogger
If you’re experienced in a particular field, and you have a knack for writing, try blogging. Whether you create your own blog or you guest blog for existing publications, you can generate income through ad revenue, affiliate links, and SEO marketing services.
3. Babysitter
Childcare is in much higher demand today than it was 30 years ago when most families only had one parent who worked. Now, both parents work in 61 percent of two-parent households, even when there are small children at home.
This underscores the need for childcare. If you work during the day, consider offering your services as a babysitter for friends and coworkers who work the evening shift. This is a great option if you already have kids at home. They have someone to play with and their care fits into your existing schedule.
4. Rideshare Driver
Ridesharing services have taken the world by storm, and it’s proven to be one of the most effective ways to make extra cash if you own a car and don’t mind giving rides. According to surveys, the average Uber driver makes about $364 per month.
If you live in a big city, your income can be higher. The average Uber driver in New York City, for example, makes $25 per hour after sales tax and commission are already taken out.
5. Consulting
When you’re great at your day job or you have experience in another marketable skill, helping others succeed through consulting is an excellent side hustle. Your take-home pay will range from between $15 and $150 per hour, depending on your area of expertise.
If you can’t find companies to help in your community, consider remote consulting, a growing field fueled by the interconnected web. Publish a website with client testimonials and case studies to reach more customers.
6. Thrifting
You’d be amazed what people throw away. When you have spare time, shop at your nearest thrift store. You can find new and gently used items for pennies and resell them on eBay, Amazon, or Facebook marketplace for more than what you paid for them.
Pro tip: Visit thrift stores in nicer neighborhoods. You’re more likely to find new or like-new items for great prices, promising higher profits.
7. Caterer
If you’re constantly hearing compliments from friends and family about your food and drinks, maybe it’s time to create a side business. You don’t have to commit to a regular schedule to be a great caterer – You don’t even have to do it every month, so if you’re busy, you can take a break.
Along with responding to ads on Indeed, Craigslist, and your local Facebook garage sale page, rely on social media and word of mouth to find gigs. If you’re good at what you do, word will get around, and you won’t have trouble filling your spare time with catering work.
8. Party Planner
Those who are highly organized and know how to throw a good party for family and friends might as well put this skill to work. Start with small events like children’s birthday parties and work your way up to larger events like quinceaneras, weddings, and corporate events.
Like catering, your quality of work will speak for itself. As long as you maintain a good reputation, you can take as many jobs as you want and even take a break here and there if life takes over your spare time.
9. Craft Vendor
Those who have an eye for trendy crafts and cutesy gifts can make a killing with crafting. Many people make more than their day job with homemade crafts sold on platforms like Etsy, local marketplaces, and craft shows.
Etsy is one of the most effective platforms for selling your crafts. One blogger reported making $53,000 in their first year on Etsy. Not bad at all for a side job!