Trouble in Paradise: How to Know When to Separate from Your Spouse

Trouble in Paradise: How to Know When to Separate from Your Spouse

Studies show that many people are willing to stay in an unhealthy relationship because they don’t want to upset their partner.

If this sounds like you, it’s time to pause and think about this statement. Are you really willing to remain in an unhealthy relationship because you care more about someone else’s feelings than your own? It’s time to start prioritizing your own happiness.

Keep reading to discover some of the top signs of when to separate from your spouse.

You’re the Only One Contributing

One of the tops signs you are ready for divorce is when you find that you’re the only one contributing. This could mean contributing to the relationship, the household chores, or even your children.

A relationship takes efforts from both parties. While this effort isn’t always 50/50, it’s important that both of you are contributing at least something. If you find that month after month, you’re the only one trying to hold the relatship, household, or family together, it might be time to move on.

You’re Happier When You’re Apart

Another one of the top signs a divorce is imminent is when you find that you’re happier when you’re apart.

Do you find yourself longing to be alone or with other friends or family members instead of your loved one? Do you look forward to the moment your spouse leaves the house?

If so, it’s probably time for you and your spouse to part ways. Seek out the help of Family Law Attorneys and regain your happiness.

You’re Being Abused

While this last sign should go without saying, it’s not always easy. If you’re being abused, no matter how frequently or how bad, you need to remove yourself from the relationship immediately.

It’s important to realize that abuse can happen in a variety of ways. Physical abuse is the most obvious, but it’s not the only method of abuse to look out for.

Mental abuse happens when your significant other uses words to abuse you. This could be in the form of telling you that you’re worthless, you’re dumb, or that you wouldn’t survive without them. These words affect your mental wellbeing and can make it difficult to feel worthy of a healthy relationship.

There’s also financial abuse. If your loved one handles all the money in the relationship and doesn’t let you have access to it, that’s abuse. This is a way ensuring that you’re reliant on them and that you don’t have the financial means to leave them.

If you need a little help leaving an abusive relationship, don’t hesitate to reach out to the National Domestic Violence hotline.

Knowing When to Separate Isn’t Always Easy

While identifying any of the above signs may seem obvious, knowing when to separate from your spouse isn’t always easy.

If you notice any of these signs sound familiar, start planning your separation now. Keep in mind that it’s okay to separate from your spouse. This doesn’t mean you’re a failer or gave up. Instead, it shows that you’re valuing yourself and your happiness.

Worried about how your children will handle the separation? Head to the Parenting section of this site for some great advice on how to have this tough conversation with your kids.