Handy Tips for Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Handy Tips for Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Winter is just around the corner, so before the weather turns nasty and you can’t bear to set foot in the garden behind your house, now is a good time to take advantage of the mild autumnal temperatures to sort your garden out.

Preparing Your Garden for Winter? Don't wait until it is too late.

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Garden Storage

When preparing your garden for winter, it will need a good tidy up before you do anything else. If you already have a handy shed or log cabin from Greenhouse Stores, this won’t be a problem, but if your garden is seriously lacking in storage space, now is a good time to invest. Look for a garden building that is in keeping with your home. Wooden buildings are cheaper than brick or stone built structures, but they do not last as long. Either way, however, you will need to prepare a solid foundation for your store, so make sure you do this before the ground freezes.

Once you have somewhere to store your garden furniture and other summer items, wash everything down, make sure it is clean and dry, and place it securely away under cover. Do remember to check upholstered items over winter, just in case a family of rodents has decided to make their home in there.

Service Garden Equipment

Take out any garden equipment you own. Examine for signs of damage and repair if necessary. Blades can be sharpened and anything with an engine should be serviced. It is also a good idea to wash your tools and oil them to protect them from rust. When you are done, store them in a safe, dry place.

Clear Out the Greenhouse

Autumn is a good time to give your greenhouse a spring clean. Wait for a warm day and then remove everything, throw away the rubbish and take less hardy plants and seedlings indoors. Wash the glass panes of your greenhouse with hot, soapy water and sweep out soil and debris. Once the greenhouse is nice and tidy – and clean – replace everything.

Tidy the Borders

With winter on the way, now is the best time to tidy up the borders and dig up your fading annuals. These can be consigned to the compost heap. Take a good, hard look at the plants you have left and decide whether any need to be thinned out or moved to a different location. Once you have removed the weeds and trimmed the edges, plant any winter bedding plants you have ready and then spread a thick layer of mulch over the beds to nourish and protect your plants.

Lawn Care

Does your lawn look a bit worse for wear after a long, dry summer? If so, you can give it a good weed and feed treatment. Rake up any moss and leaves and throw these in the compost bin. Aerate the lawn with the prongs of a fork to improve drainage and if you have any dead patches, lay some new turf.

If you look after your garden in the autumn, you can look forward to enjoying it once spring comes back around again.