10 Ways to help your Child manage Stress at College

10 Ways to help your Child manage Stress at College

If you have a child in college, you can be assured that they’re bound to feel stressed at one point or another. College life can be challenging because this is where your kids begin to experience adult life. The transition from high school to college is quite drastic because here, they can’t always reach out to you when they have a problem. 

Even so, you can still help them manage stress. As a parent, you feel responsible for your child’s wellbeing even after they grow older. Even though you are not in a position to monitor their moods, you could always recommend ways for them to manage stress. 

Online writing providers like Writemyessayz.com help students finish their assignments on time. This is quite helpful because assignments and examinations are among the main sources of stress for college students. 


Offer Financial Help Whenever you can 

Even though most college students are young adults, parents should definitely offer financial help whenever they can. Many college students are going through depression because they can hardly get by. When your child calls to ask for financial help, take them seriously, and give whatever you have. College life is quite expensive, and surviving without money is close to impossible.

Encourage your child to take a Part-Time Job 

Since college is so expensive, taking up a part-time job can help your child get by. Make sure they don’t settle for a strenuous job because this does not offer a solution but creates another problem altogether. Always check on your child to ensure they’re not crushing under the pressure of their part-time job.

Make time for them 

The fact that your child is now a young adult does not mean that you shouldn’t spend time with them. Children will always need their parent’s affection. Use the free time you have over weekends to find out how your child is doing in school.

Encourage your Child 

College is hard, and students need encouragement every now and again. Ensure you reassure your child, so they know someone appreciates their effort. Don’t be too hard on them when they fail a given unit when you can clearly see that they tried their best.

Be their Support System 

Every college student needs a strong support system. As a parent, you should always be there when your child needs you. Check up on them each day and ensure you’re available when they need you. Establish a relationship that encourages open communication.

Celebrate your Child’s Wins 

When your son or daughter accomplishes their goals. Make a big deal of them and celebrate their achievements. Celebrating the small wins gives them the motivation to keep on. 

Don’t Criticize 

Your child has enough people criticizing them. The last thing you should do as a parent is joining this bandwagon. Give your child the encouragement and support they need to go through college life. 

Give a Listening ear 

Each time your child comes to you with a problem, give a listening ear. There are very few people your child can trust out there. Be the shoulder they can cry on when it feels like the world is crashing down on them. 

Encourage them to limit the time they spend on Social Media 

Many college students spend too much time on social media, and it’s not good for their mental health.

Validate your Child 

The reason people feel insignificant is that they don’t get validation from their parents. Validating your child gives them the confidence they need to face all challenges.


Even though your child is now in college, it doesn’t mean you should stop being involved in their life.